
Katie Lemon is a writer/director from Austin, Texas now based in Los Angeles. She earned a B.A. in Public Relations from the University of Southern California and is a recent graduate of the Directing MFA program at UCLA’s School of Theater, Film and Television. As a Directing MFA student at UCLA, she was the recipient of the Motion Picture Association of America (MPAA) Award, the Jean and Ruth Negulesco Endowment Fellowship and the Antonio David Blanco Fellowship. Her first UCLA film GAIL has begun its festival run with official selections at the Mesa Film Festival, NewFilmmakers Los Angeles Monthly Screening, Albany FilmFest and the Iowa Independent Film Festival. She is currently in post-production on her second MFA film SPARKLERS. 

Katie is passionate about telling stories that explore family dynamics and personal identity, with a focus on female characters. She seeks the stories that capture seemingly ordinary moments of people’s lives that are, in fact, extraordinary – moments where characters have profound realizations about their lives and identity. She believes that stories help us find meaning in the human experience, expand our empathy for others and understand that we are not alone.